PLEXUS:4 Status Update & Feedback Request

PLEXUS:4 Status Update & Feedback Request

It's time to look up from the workbench and provide a status update for all who have made a PLEXUS:4 preorder.

The Circuit Boards are Here!

This week we took receipt of all the PCBs that will cover the assembly of several batches.  This means all components for the manufacture of PLEXUS:4 preorders have come in.

Batch 1 Progress

All metal fabrication is finished on the first batch of enclosures for all of the sold preorders to date.  Those are now headed for powder-coating.

Stock Projections

We've prepared a few more enclosures than the total number of current preorders, but we anticipate that these won't be enough once the final preorder amount is known on May 31st.  So, work has already begun on fabricating a supplemental Batch that can also ship in June.  If preorders again outpace the production of the supplemental Batch, the preorder window may need to close early.  We want everyone who places a preorder before May 31st to receive their units in June.  If you don't have a preorder placed before the window closes and we run out, don't worry, more will be on the way in a month or two.

USB Host and Hub

It was decided to increase the number of USB Devices that can be connected with a USB Hub.  Plexus now supports 8 instead of the originally planned 4.  People have responded very positively to the inclusion of the USB Host feature and it was felt that maybe 4 devices wasn't enough.

New Video & Documentation

Documentation is an ongoing process.  It's not ready to share in its current state, however this video has been produced to give answers on how Filtering works on the UI.

Filter Types

All of the original Filter code was completed before the announcement for Plexus was made, but since that time we've also received lots of good feedback for some filters that are not included, which raises the question:

Are the best Filter choices being made?

Due to the storage size for 128 Presets and the number of buttons on the UI, not every idea can be included.  To that end, we'd like to invite your feedback by commenting on this post regarding any Filters you feel are higher priority than those already offered.

These are the filters already finished for each Output:

Block any of the 16 MIDI Channels. This is the highest priority Filter. If a MIDI Channel is being blocked, then no messages received on that Channel will make it into any other Filters or to the selected Output.

Channel Map
Map any of the 16 MIDI Channels any other MIDI Channel. Messages will be mapped to their new Channel before any other Filtering takes place.

Remove all MIDI Clock data.

Clock Divide
Reduce the BPM of incoming clock data.

Block all Transport messages. Transport messages consist of MIDI Start, Stop, Continue & Song Position.

Note High & Low
Block Notes that are below and above a set threshold on a specific MIDI Channel. Up to four (4) Channels can be set for blocking on each output.  Block range can be inverted by making the value for Low higher than the value for High.

Velocity High & Low
Block Notes based on their Velocity that are below and above a set threshold on a specific MIDI Channel. Up to four (4) Channels can be set for blocking on each output.  Block range can be inverted by making the value for Low higher than the value for High.

CC High & Low
Block Control Change messages that are below and above a set threshold on a specific MIDI Channel. Up to four (4) Channels can be set for blocking on each output.  Block range can be inverted by making the value for Low higher than the value for High.

Block Pitch Bend messages on specific MIDI Channels.

After Touch
Block all After Touch data by MIDI Channel. After Touch messages consist of Poly Key Pressure and Channel Pressure.

Program Change
Remove all Program Change data by MIDI Channel.

Poly Channel
Distribute notes in round-robin from 1 MIDI Channel to several others MIDI Channels.

Here are some of the Filter ideas not implement and up for consideration as enhancements to existing Filters or new Filters Types.  Are any of these a higher priority to you than one of the Filters listed above?

Channel Map 1-to-4
Like the Channel Map feature listed above, this enhancement would allow a single MIDI Channel to be split (up to 4 times) onto other MIDI Channels.  The current implementation is 1-to-1.

Allow a MIDI Channel to have its Note pitch increase or decrease in halftone increments using values 0-127, centered on 64.

Allow conversion to take place between Note & CC messages.  For instance, turn Note messages into CC messages where Note Number becomes the CC Number and Velocity becomes the CC Value.

CC Mapping
Redirect a CC message number to another CC message number.

I'll try to provide another status update before the preorder window closes, and definitely before units ship.  Any comments you make now will be critical in the final decisions for both silkscreening and coding, so now is your chance!

You have my sincere thanks for any feedback offered.


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1 comment

From User via Email: Is it possible to block Note messages altogether?

Answer: Yes. Just use either the Note Lo or Note Hi Filter. For instance, using the Note Lo Filter, you’d set a value of 127 and using the Note Hi Filter you’d set a value of 000.

Joe King

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