About JMK

Thank you for taking an interest in JMK Music Pedals!

We are a small business located in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Our focus is on delivering high quality, hand-built MIDI products for studio and stage.

Joe King - Owner & Designer

I'm a long-time programmer and musician who has always dreamed of combining both skill sets into a career.

As a teenager, I was introduced to MIDI around 1990 through an original Alesis Quadraverb, a Rocktron Pro G.A.P. and an archaic MIDI Controller.  I hadn't yet started a career as a programmer back then, but it wasn't long before I became what you might call a power-user of MIDI.

For years I had wanted a dedicated Master Clock device that would function as the central nervous system for controlling sync and transport among a variety of protocols. I also had the idea that this device would work as an audio Metronome for extra convenience.  When I began JMK, I decided this was the place to start and out of that came our first 2 products: CLOCKstep and CLOCKstep:MULTI.

My involvement goes beyond designing the products; on many days can be found in the shop at one machine or another building them.  Other than the printed circuit boards done in a factory, products are drilled, cut, folded, painted, soldered, assembled, tested and packaged right here in a modest (but growing) shop in Alexandria, VA. The approach is in-house and very hands-on, allowing small batches of products to be built very quickly when the need arises.

I invite you to follow our progress and take the journey with us if you see something that you like.  Go ahead and spread the word anyway you can!

